TechnoHouse on(line) Tour | Data Driven Growing
Are you interested in applying data to optimise growing decisions?
At Rijk Zwaan, we are continuously looking for not only new and improved vegetable varieties, but also optimal growing conditions. This enables us to continue to offer our customers – from growers to retailers – vegetables with the desired traits. Last 27 May, we organised our 3rd TechnoHouse on(line) Tour edition about 'Data Driven Growing'.
Aftermovie - Making data driven growing decisions
Vegetable production increasingly requires continuous crop monitoring. Modern systems can monitor the needs of the plants in real time, 24/7. The technology offers many advantages for growers on a daily basis, since it supports decision-making about actions such as irrigation, screening and ventilation. Perhaps even more importantly, it helps them to make more accurate predictions relating to yields, harvesting periods and labour planning, for example. So how can sensor data and plant image analytics be used to optimise crop management? What are the benefits in vegetable production, and what steps do we need to take as the horticultural sector? Questions that will be discussed during TechnoHouse on(line) Tour.

Mirjam Bekker – Product Owner 30MHz
“Data in itself is interesting, but what you really need are actual data driven insights to make growing decisions."

Mike Poodt – Consultant Digital Crop Technology at Rijk Zwaan
“Data is not only valid for making growing decisions, but it is also part of the feedback loop to validate growing decisions and optimise processes."

Maikel van den Berg – Co-owner MR Seeds
“Growing crops to feed the world is a dynamic business, in which technology and horticulture really come together!”